“Sacra Famiglia’s Church”, Osaka

3-a main entrance viewbassaris

view from Umeda’s square

3main entrance point viewrisbassa


4-lateral view bassaris

side elevation

5-side secondary entrancebassaris

service entrance

Osaka Umeda Catholicxx church-Model.jpgAAAA

6the interior from the cerimonial row bassa ris

interior configuration

7interior church bas ris

8altar view bas ris

altar view

Os.Um.Cat.Curch def.may2009 totale disegni-Model.jpg 1 BAS RIS

Os.Um.Cat.Curch def.may2009 totale disegni-Model.jpg KK

proposal of balcony

Os.Um.Cat.Curch def.may2009 totale disegni-Model.jpg SEZ 2

11vision to the assembly bas ris

the presbytery

10view from the secondary rows bas ris

9view from the altar to the ambo OK BAS RIS

view from the altar to the ambo and secondary row

12cerimonial seat and ambo bas ris

cerimonial seat and ambo details



piant,prosp.sediaumeda.definitivo-Model.jpg SEZ OK

piant,prosp.sediaumeda.definitivo-Model SEZ OK

seat section

13atrium chapel bas ris

interior chapel

14altar view chapel bas ris

view from the altar

15detail altar of chapel bas ris

the altar

16chapel befor the installation bas ris

the sliding door entrance

17floor texiture chapel bas ris

the stone floor texiture of the chapel

a1-night vision from the square bas ris

night vision from the square

a2-square night vision bas ris

a3-square night vision bas ris

a4-night vision of church's interior bas ris

church’s interior before the evening service

a5-night vision with the projectors basris

the interior with the projectors switched on